As I had previously opined, I have ventured into the field of writing. I have already established the reasons as to why I chose this path. Today, I shall disseminate what my eBook entails.

It says that some lamp is dying, right? Care to guess which lamp? 

It is quite obvious and conspicuous; Alas! Humans always accept falsity as truth and deny it when they actually confront it. This "lamp" is the LAMP OF HUMANITY. 

You are at liberty to interpret this statement in the manner convenient to you. For me, it simply refers to the warmth within our heart--'tis slowly smothering and dying out. 

What have we become? Nothing but a being consumed entirely by its vices: greed, gluttony, avarice and pride. Our desires, ravenous and insatiable, threaten our volatile existence. The indifference that they have inundated us with swings the Damocles' Sword before our eyes. 

This section deals with WAR. I do not wish to ascribe to it a conforming definition; WAR  refers to conflict in general. This section emphasizes on WWII, the French Revolution, and the October Revolution. In each story, through characters directly involved in the events mentioned (including the daughter of Louis XVI), I have highlighted the futility of War and revolution and how it terrorizes, traumatizes and devastates the common Man! It is nothing but a bloodbath conducted by monsters smitten with bloodlust. 
I have also showed how dehumanizing ideological indoctrination can become through the first story, whereby a Jewish boy is murdered by a Gestapo patrolman.
I have also expressed disapproval of the execution of the Romanovs. Come on! They could have just exiled them to England! Heartless dastards! 
I have also displayed the bloodbath of the French Revolution, from the POV of Marie-Therese de Bourbon.

Signing off.


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